PhD Theses (Agro and Rural Technology)
Recent Submissions
Item Assessment of Antioxidant Potential of Four Selected Leafy Vegetables and Development of Herbal Drinks for Intestinal Health(2023) Bala, EshaThis Ph.D. thesis focuses on finding dietary interventions against lifestyle diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract by developing a product strategy using leafy vegetables with physiologically relevant antioxidant and prebiotic activity. The study documents 310 leafy vegetables, their nutrients, bioactive components, culinary usage, and health benefits from ethnobotanical surveys. Perceptive health benefits recorded in surveys are translated into a universally accepted code for specific leafy vegetables to claim curative/preventive potential for certain disorders. While some leafy vegetables show potential against oxidative stress-related gastrointestinal diseases, further validation is needed. The study also analyzes polyphenol concentrations, indicating potential local effects in the intestines. Leaf-polysaccharides and oligosaccharides from leafy vegetables are explored for prebiotic and antioxidant activity. Herbal decoctions and infusions are suggested as effective ways to deliver bioactive compounds with health benefits. The thesis also develops effective cell level antioxidant assays and validates antioxidant-rich beverages from selected herbs. Sensory evaluation and storage conditions for the beverages are explored. Two ready-to-serve beverages developed from Centella asiatica and are studied for antioxidant and prebiotic properties, revealing multiple mechanisms to combat oxidative stress and promote gastrointestinal health. This research provides valuable insights into using natural products to combat lifestyle diseases and enhance overall well-being.Item Unraveiling the characteristics of beneficial bacteria isolated from a polluted siie and their application in soil quality enhancement(2022) Sahu, SudhaEmerging economies such as India face a greater challenge toward sustainable agriculture in today's world, Farmers have been encouraged to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides indiscriminately to grow more food in less area. As a result, the yield has increased, but environmental damages have negated these benefits. It also harmed soil fertility, which in turn harmed agricultural yield. Conversely, uncontrolled population growth, urbanization, and socioeconomic progress have boosted living standards. These generate massive amounts of municipal solid trash worldwide, particularly in India. It primarily pollutes soil and water with various pollutants such as heavy metals and other comparable things. Present thesis research aims to address this issue. Soil samples were collected from the Baragaon dumping site in Guwahati, Assam, contaminated with municipal solid waste (MSW) and has a common border with the ecologically sensitive Deepor Beel area (Ramsar site No. i207). According to the analysis, these soil samples had tire least soil nutrition and the high heavy metals level. With selective medi4 approximately 400 Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and 350 N fixing bacteria (NFB) r,,'ere isaiated fiom soil samples. Following molecular characterization, the diversity of llscillus sp., Enterobacter sp., and Paraburkholderia.fungorum was discovered. Furthermore, the PSB were cultured in Pikovskaya (PVK) medi4 resulting in organic acid and enhanced acid phosphatase (ACP) activity. SM_ SS8 had the best Cd and Cu tolerance capacity among all the tested strains (up to 100 mg L-1). The growth pattern of SM_SS8 was investigated using optical density (OD) and kinetic growth measurements. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) studies were used to examine the strain's Cd and Cu degradation capability. The optimum concentration of Cd and Cu bio-precipitation*n in the SM_SS8 cell was studied using SEM-EDX. In Cd treated bacterial cell cultures, flow cytometry analysis revealed that- 70.92% , 46,93% and 20.4 % of viable SM_SS8 bacterial cells were identified in 10,50, and 100 mg L-1 respectively- A pot experiment also investigated the potential of biochar, bioferlilizer, and their formulation to remediate HMS-contaminated soils and improve soil quality and plant production (like tomato). The pot experiment results demonstrated that biofertilizer and biochar have a synergistic impact, resulting in improved soil nutrition and plant growth. Simultaneously, bacterial taxonomic analysis of harvested soil samples revealed that, the treated samples had higher diversity when compared to CK. The findings showed that a single biofertilizer and its formulation were best 1br various soil features such as physico-chemical, microbial diversity, and biochemical parameters.Item Composting of invasive weed Mikania micrantha Kunth: Toxicity assessmnent, plant application and isolation/bioaugmentation of potential bacterial strain(2022) Kauser, HeenaMikania micrantha Kunth is an abhorrent weed that destroys agricultural output. Mikania micrantha removal by biological, chemical, or mechanical means is still unsuccessful. Studies were carried out on the possible use of terrestrial weed Mikania micrantha biomass using three different composting technologies. Four phases were carried out to accomplish the objectives. In the first phase Rotary drum (RD2) showed the highest Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen at the end of the 20'r'day. In the second phase of the study earthworm species, Eisenia fetida, Eudrilus eugeniae, and Perionyx ceylanesis, were used to create a 60-day cycle of vermicomposting process. Among all, E.fetida showed a successful growth rate with less mortality rate. However, vermicornposting takes longer time although the quality is better than that of rotary drum composting. In order to shorten the time period of vermicomposting process, two-stage composting technologies was formulated which proven to be best in time reduction and produce mature, stable, and nutrient-rich compost that is more superior quality than conventional rotary drum compost. Toxicity testing has shown the compost quality and its safe usage in soil for plant growth. The application of compost/vermicompost in various ratios to soil has a significant influence on okra plant development, suggesting that Mikania compost may be utilized in the field. A microbiological investigation revealed the usage of bacterial inoculurm for allelochemical breakdown throughout the composting process. 'l'he prirnary problerns ol'r,rtilizing wccd are handling in bulk amount and storage issues. The allelochemical impact is also important since this is the major toxic molecule present in the plant that must be destroyed throughout the procedure. Mikania compost can be made onsite by farmers rather than dumping in an open area, and the utilization of this specific biomass will assist them in making their own compost/vermicompost to be used as an organic ferlilizer, as well as finding a sustainable livelihood by selling the product.Item Process development for the production of briquette using agro forest waste and taro binder for rural household applications(2024) Narzary, AnjaliThe potential use of agro forest waste (Rice straw, Eleusine indica grass, Polyalthia longifolia leaves) for briquette production using low-power screw press machines was studied in this research. A low-cost, abundant, and novel binder, Taro (Colocasia esculenta) was used for briquetting. The briquettes obtained were tested for physical, mechanical, physio-chemical, and thermal properties. As charcoal is reported to enhance the briquette properties, so bamboo charcoal was added to the same composition of raw materials at three percentages (0, 25, and 50) % and briquetted and analyzed for fuel properties. Taguchi-Grey analysis was employed to obtain the best briquette composition based on calorific value, shatter resistance, density, water resistance, and compressive strength. The best result was obtained for the straw and 25 % charcoal and 15 % binder. Cost analysis and specific energy consumption during briquetting were also done. Specific energy consumption shows that size reduction using a chaff cutter machine consumes 87 % of the total specific energy required for briquette production. Therefore, to omit the chaff cutter machine in order to reduce the specific energy, the rice straw was carbonized for the next step before briquetting. As carbonization effectively reduces the material’s resilient properties and is effective in the reduction of pollution emissions, carbonization was the chosen pre-treatment method. The novel binder was compared with the two most widely used binders in the literature to validate its use as a binder. The result showed that the taro binder does not harm the briquette quality and is equally effective as starch and paper binder. For the last step, a low-cost manual press was fabricated at a local welding shop. The briquette obtained was compared with the same combination sample obtained using a screw press, and the best selection was obtained from Taguchi-Grey analysis. The result showed that the taro binder does not harm the briquette quality and is equally effective as starch and paper binder. A low-cost manual press was fabricated at a local welding shop to fulfill this objective. The machine was used for briquetting the best combination of straw at 15 % binder; the sample characteristics were compared with the same combination sample obtained using a screw press, and the best selection was obtained from Taguchi-Grey analysis. The samples were analyzed and compared based on physical, thermal, mechanical, and physio- chemical properties. Cost, specific energy consumption, and burning rate were also compared. The results show that as carbonization helps omit the chaff cutter from the briquetting process, the specific energy and cost of capital investment and production cost decreases. This technology is best for insitu briquette production, which will reduce the transportation cost, which is one factor that adds up to the cost of the raw materials used for briquetting.Item Anaerobic Digestion of Terrestrial Weeds: Effect of Pre-Treatment and Co-Digestion on Biogas Production(2021) Saha, BiswanathParthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara and Ageratum conyzoides are considered to be among the world's top ten worst terrestrial weeds due to their reproduction potential. They can grow within a few weeks and cover entire agricultural land (Parthenium hysterophorus), forest land (Lantana camara), and native vegetation (Ageratum conyzoides). Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, and Ageratum conyzoides are difficult to manage as they can re-grow miraculously even after they are completely eradicated. The availability of Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, and Ageratum conyzoides in abundance makes attractive feedstock through anaerobic digestion. India is a fast-growing country with a population of 1.21 billion people in 2011 with a growth rate of 17.64% from 2001 to 2011 (15th Indian Census 2011) next census will be taken in 2021. The energy demand of the country is increasing rapidly due to the increase in population and industrialization. Non-renewable conventional energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas, etc., play a crucial role in maintaining the major energy demands of the country. India depends totally on oil imports to meet energy demand. It is reported that about 200 million rupees were spent on imports to meet the two-third of energy demand in 2000. India consumes 40.34 million tons of diesel, i.e., 43.2% of total consumption in 2000-2001 and it is noted that the annual energy demand of India will increases from 0.58 to 4.02% between 2017 to 2026. According to the literature, the energy source is on the verge of extinction. The world's oil reserves are estimated to get depleted by 2050. It is expected that total oil reserves in India will only last up to 6 years. Biogas production from Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, and Ageratum conyzoides can effectively manage terrestrial weeds as well as mitigate environmental pollution caused by fossil fuels. In phase I, the BMP study of Parthenium hysterophorus, F/M ratio 2 shows the ideal combination followed by 2.5 and 1.5 respectively. In the BMP study of Lantana camara, the highest methane production was obtained from the F/M ratio of 1.5 followed by ratios 2 and 2.5 respectively. Ageratum conyzoides, BMP assay revealed that, F/M ratio 2 acquired maximum biogas production from the anaerobic digestion of A. conyzoides biomass with cow dung as the microorganism source. During phase II, the various thermal pretreatment modes (hot air oven, microwave, autoclave, and hot water bath) were applied where temperature 60 to 220˚C and time (20 to 120 mins) study were conducted. In Parthenium hysterophorus, hot air oven showed the highest efficiency in the form of soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) and volatile fatty acid (VFA), for Lantana camara, and Ageratum conyzoides autoclave pretreatment was found to be more efficient, followed by hot water bath, hot air oven and microwave pretreatments. During electrohydrolysis pretreatment, voltage (10 to 60 Voltage) and time (10 to 60 mins) were conducted. In Electrohydrolysis Pretreatment, Parthenium hysterophorus at 20V for 40 mins shows the highest sCOD and VFA, and for Lantana camara and Ageratum conyzoides at 30V for 20 mins shows the highest sCOD and VFA. During phase II, the various thermal pretreatment modes (hot air oven, microwave, autoclave and hot water bath) were applied where temperature 60 to 220 ˚C and time (20 to 120 mins) study were observed. Phase III, the co-digestion of Parthenium hysterophorus was performed not only with cow dung as inoculum but also with other organic wastes (i.e., food waste). In co-digestion during the BMP assay, a mixing ratio of 1.5 (165 mL CH4 g-1 VS on the 17th day) was observed. In co-digestion (food waste) of BMP assay, mixing ratio 1.5 (211 mL CH4 g-1 VS on 14th day) for Lantana camara. In co-digestion of the BMP mixing ratio of 2 (205 mL CH4 g-1 VS on 13th day) for Ageratum conyzoides are observed to be ideal. In phase IV, the continuous scale, anaerobic digester was operated for the time span of 50 days for the best F/M ratio and pretreatment technique obtained from BMP assay. Average biogas production for untreated P. hysterophorus was 3270 mL, L. camara was 3010 mL, and for A. conyzoides was 3150 mL, for pretreated P. hysterophorus is 6454 mL; L. camara is 6219 mL, and A. conyzoides is 6982 mL, and for co digestion of P. hysterophorus is 5984 mL; L. camara is 5218 mL and for A. conyzoides is 5765 mL. In Phase V, Various bacteria were identified in microbial study. Euryarchaeota, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were majorly observe in this study.Item Assessment and alleviation of soil pollution through agro-ecotechnological interventions: role of areca nut husk biochar and vetiver grass(2021) Gujre, NihalSeveral anthropogenic activities have become the preeminent sources of contamination by heavy metals (HMs), and the resultant deterioration in soil quality. Thus, the present study attempts to address the issues of soil quality degradation and its management in an environmentally compatible manner. Further, it explores agro-ecotechnological measures to improve the soil quality utilizing locally available resources. In the present study, two contaminated areas were selected in Assam to assess soil quality impact on human health and identify suitable management options. To comprehend soil quality, different physico-chemical parameters, and estimation of HMs contamination were carried out using standard protocols. Results revealed that the soil quality in both areas were degraded by increasing HM concentrations and decreased levels of nutrients. Cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr) are the two crucial HMs which posed severe ecological and health risk to the surrounding areas. Thus, in the quest for indigenous solutions, the present study has attempted to prepare and characterize biochar (BC) from locally available crop refuse, i.e., areca nut husk (AH). Areca nut husk biochar (AHB) prepared at a lower temperature (250° C), has intermediate stability in soil and higher soil agronomic properties, rendering it ideal for mass production as a soil amendment. The present study also explored the potential of AHB to remediate HMs contaminated soils in conjunction with vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L.), which is well known for its various environment friendly characteristics. Results showed that AHB, along with the vetiver, has an additive effect, which includes remediation of Cd and Cr, enhanced mycorrhizal growth, and glomalin production, along with nutrient enrichment. The results demonstrated that AHB at a dose of 15 t ha-1 was most suitable for soil rejuvenation, improving soil physico-chemical, and biochemical properties.Item Formulation and Characterization of Leafy and Non-Leafy Vegetables Based Mix Soup Formulations(2021) Mondal, Imdadul HoqueTo encourage translational and value added product development of endemic and underutilized horticultural produces, current Ph.D. thesis is targets upon a robust experimental and design methodology to formulate and characterize leafy and non-leafy vegetable based mix soup recipes with high nutritional content in terms of proximate, vitamin C and antioxidant activity characteristics. The targeted leafy and non-leafy vegetables in the thesis includes Kolmou (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.), Pui (Basella alba) and Jatialao sak (Lagenaria siceraria leaves) and Kolphul (Musa balbisiana Colla blossom), Kaskal (Musa splendida), green Komora (Benincasa hispida) and Posola (Musa balbisiana Colla pseudostem), respectively. After ensuring a critical discussion with respect to available prior art, lacunae, objectives and thesis organization in Chapter 1, the adopted overall research methodology has been presented in Chapter 2 of the thesis. Thereafter, Chapter 3 addresses the comparative efficacy of tray and oven drying processes towards the chosen leafy vegetables in terms of the nutritional characteristics of the dried vegetable samples. Chapters 4 and 5 targets upon the optimization of process-product characteristics of the chosen leafy and non-leafy vegetables, respectively. Both trial and error and statistical design approaches have been addressed in these chapters. Thereafter, Chapters 6 and 7 address the findings associated to the optimal leafy and non-leafy vegetable mix constitution based on nutritional optimization and sensory analysis. Finally, Chapter 8 summarizes the subjective and objective conclusions of the Ph.D. thesis and possible directions for future research.Item S & T Intervention in Bell Metal Product Manufacturing: Process Improvisation, Product Diversification and Drugery Free Workstation Design(2022) Sarkar, Pranay KumarThe bell metal industry worldwide enjoys heritage estate. However, field survey and literature review shows the industry is presently encompassed with several difficulties, such as age-old traditional production techniques, limited range of products, lack of modernization in terms of workstation, tools and equipments design, etc. The average annual transactions of the Sarthebari bell metal cluster have decreased from Rs. 11 million in 2017–18 to Rs. 7.5 million in 2019–20 and hence the workers are experiencing a very tough time. Moreover, the young artisans have started to leave the occupations due to the presence of a very high level of drudgeries with the current production units and hence, the bell metal industry is facing the manpower scarcity problem. To encourage the young entrepreneurs, this Ph.D. thesis devotes towards the drudgery reduction from the bell metal products manufacturing industries through S&T interventions. Firstly, the thesis addressed the mechanical properties of bell metal processed in different conditions for improvisation of the present production process. Thereby, oil quenching has been evaluated to be superior for products that required finishing work at room temperature against the present practice of the water quenching process. Another aspect of this study is creating a database on the mechanical properties of bell metal processed in different conditions to help the engineers on selecting the exact processing conditions for the specific applications. Thereafter, this thesis invented that the bell metal can be joined through TIG welding process and then different sets of TIG welding parameter has been proposed based on Pareto optimal solutions for various applications. The outcome of this study will open new markets for the industry by allowing the production of diversified welded bell metal products. Further, the thesis advocated for statistically determining the level of drudgeries associated with the present bell metal production process.. Eventually, a user-centric ergonomically correct workstation has been proposed along with the dimensions of few regularly used tools and equipments to reduce the level of drudgeries experienced by the bell metal artisans. Finally, the amount of copper leached in the drinking water from the bell metal utensils has been measured to prove the existing perceptions of the health benefits of using the bell metal utensils. Overall from the thesis work, it has been expected that due to reduced drudgery and increased efficiency of the designed workstation, on implementation, the young artisans who began to leave the trade will start to return to the occupation and hence the manpower scarcity problem will be resolved. Moreover, due to the opening of new markets and improved production process, the income level of artisans will increase and hence, the standard of living of millions of people engaged with the industry will improve.Item Study of a concurrent development- dissemination model for appropriate technology: Case of improvised Chaak for pottery industry(2020) Bhattacharjya, Bibhuti RanjanIn the present research endeavour, an attempt is made to redesign traditional Pottery wheel with consideration of ergonomic principle and the local people’s anthropometric data. Target users’ anthropometric data are the prime requirement for successful design intervention. However, paucity of anthropometric data of target users from Assam, India, is the major concern. To bridge the void, an attempt is made here to gather and to analyse the anthropometric data of five ethnic groups (Boro, Garo, Hira, Karbi, and Rabha) from Assam, India. Seventy-two anthropometric body dimensions, including the age and body weight of 453 people from different districts of Assam, India, are summarized. The variation in anthropometric data considering gender and ethnic diversity is also examined, and significant differences are observed in relation to gender and ethnicity. T-tests are carried out to verify the statistical significance of the variations in anthropometric dimensions across ethnic diversity within the same gender. Factor analysis and regression modelling are also done as part of the study. Further, the collected data are used to redesign the traditional Chaak i.e. traditional pottery wheel (TPW) and, cater to their comfort with added safety. Treadle mechanism is skillfully adapted in the machine. A four-bar crank rocker mechanism is constructed to obtain the necessary motion. In deciding the different parameters of the four-bar planner crank rocker mechanism, anthropometric data of the target users are considered. A full-scale model of the Improvised Pottery Chaak (IPC) is fabricated and field tested. The field-testing results clearly demonstrate that the design intervention is successful in reducing the health discomfort and energy expenditure besides reduction of increased heart rate. Male artisans' average productivity is found to be almost 1.7 times higher in the case of IPC than that of the TPW. Similarly, female artisans’ average productivity is found to be almost 1.8 times higher in the case of IPC than that of the TPW. The product along with its manufacturing process is successfully transferred to three rural micro-enterprises. Manufacturing process details and maintenance-related issues are demonstrated to them. In the absence of a structured approach and institutionalized intervention, such technology design and innovation efforts do not cater to the needs of the marginalized people living at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). Hence, in this study, based on the experiences gathered from technology transfer of IPC, an effort is made to study technology transfer framework involving rural micro-enterprises.