PhD Theses (Environment)
Recent Submissions
Item Studies on Modified Jeevamrutha Bio-fertilizer Formulations for Organic Farming Application in Assam(2023) Bhattacharjee, UdarattaThe Ph.D. thesis targets to develop a nutrient-rich Jeevamrutha bio-fertilizer for its wider applicability in rural sectors of Assam characterized by highly diverse summer and winter climatic conditions in the region. To obtain better shelf life of the developed bio-fertilizer formulations, solid Jeevamrutha bio-fertilizer has been targeted. A time-dependent study shall be addressed for the screening and optimization of the compositional set. Thereby, further optimization of the compositional set is desired by considering the inclusion of other natural resources for the improvisation of nutrient characters. Additionally, jaggery-based modified Jeevamrutha was replaced using other carbon sources such as sugarcane juice and starch rice water. Further, an integrated farming technique using vermicompost and solid Jeevamrutha bio-fertilizer was deployed to achieve higher growth characteristics in Phaseolus vulgaris, nutritional content and the presence of a good microbial population. Also, in the entire PhD thesis, the evaluation of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) in the conventional approach was replaced with ammonium nitrogen (AN) due to its comparatively rigorous and quicker assessment. Thus, the thesis primary objectives that were fulfilled refer to (a) screening and optimization of Jeevamrutha bio-fertilizer (b) optimality of naturally available rural precursors (vermicompost, neemcake, tea waste and water hyacinth) in Jeevamrutha biofertilizer systems, (c) replacing jaggery carbon source with sugarcane juice and starch rice water and (d) assessment of integrated farming system. Accordingly, the outcomes of the thesis will serve as a useful guideline for the application of Jeevamrutha bio-fertilizer for organic farming in Assam and especially the application efficacy of the system in the winter season.Item Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Integrated Solid Waste Management in Guwahati City(2023) Singh, TinkaRapid urbanization and enhanced consumption patterns lead to substantial growth in the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation rates. Social and environmental challenges are ever increasing due to world-wide enhancement in the per capita waste generation. Technological interventions will foster the integrated city-wide solid waste management in several important yet mandatory themes. Notable among these are accurate prediction and forecasting of total solid waste, compost production rate, biogas production rate, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from landfills and incinerators, and design specification-based techno-economic analyses of composting and anaerobic biogas digester systems. With such efforts, environmental planning of solid waste managerial infrastructure can be established through effective planning strategies.Item Multi Heavy Metal Cyclic Adsorption-Desorption Characteristics of Commercial Resins and Chitosan Derivatives(2023) Patel, Prabhat KumarConsidering the lacunae in the field of commercial resin and chitosan derivatives based multi-heavy metal sorptive removal from complex adsorbate systems, the PhD thesis involved the realization of five major objectives. These are as follows: (a) Efficacy of commercial resins (Amberlite IR 120H and Lewatit TP 260) for multi-heavy metal removal and resin regeneration from Cu and Zn dominant complex adsorbate systems. (b) Synthesis, characterization, batch adsorption and desorption studies of polyvinyl grafted chitosan variant derivatives (low CSPVA, medium CSPVA and high CSPVA) for multi-heavy metal removal and resin regeneration from Cu and Zn dominant complex adsorbate systems. (c) Synthesis, characterization, batch adsorption and desorption studies of citric acid grafted glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan variant derivatives (low Cit-CS, medium Cit-CS and high Cit-CS) for multi-heavy metal removal and resin regeneration from Cu and Zn dominant complex adsorbate systems. (d) Synthesis, characterization, batch adsorption and desorption studies of carboxymethyl grafted glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan variant derivatives (low CMCS, medium CMCS and high CMCS) for multi-heavy metal removal and resin regeneration from Cu and Zn dominant complex adsorbate systems. (e) Conceptual cost analysis for the multi-heavy metal ion removal from complex adsorbate systems.Item Optical Sensors for On-site Detection of Arsenic (III & V) and other Pollutants (Fe(II), Pb(II), Cr(VI), and F-)(2023) Rajasekhar, RavulaWater is one of the most important substances on Earth and is essential for all forms of life. It covers about 71% of the Earth's surface and about 60% of the human body. Water is essential for human survival and the environment. It is getting polluted because of the contaminants such as heavy metals etc., and because of this human health and the environment is getting worse day by day. This raises the need for the detection of heavy metals in aquatic water for several detections are available that can broadly classify into two broad categories. Namely laboratory methods and portable methods. Laboratory methods are generally more expensive and time-consuming and require specialized equipment and trained personnel; on the other hand, portable methods are more user-friendly and accessible to non-specialists, allowing for on-site testing of water samples; less expensive and faster but may have lower accuracy and precision. However, there is still a need to develop point-of-care test (POCT) devices and digital sensors that can monitor the water continuously and accurately and precisely detect contaminants in water, eatable and drinkable items accurately and precisely.Item Comprehensive Investigation of the gut microbial community of Antheraea assamensis Helfer through Meta-omic Approach(2023) Saikia, DharitriAntheraea assamensis Helfer, commonly known as the Muga silkworm, is an endemic, economically important Lepidopteran species explicitly found in the northeastern part of India and its neighbouring areas. This semi-domesticated, multivoltine, polyphagous, edible insect produces an economically important, lustrous golden-coloured silk with high tensile strength and durability. The cultivation of Muga silkworm for silk production has been in practice for ages in Assam, a state of India. Due to its extreme durability, magnificent colour and lustre, Muga silk is considered one of the most expensive natural fibers in the world. The fibroin part of the Muga silk is also a promising material for tissue engineering. Unlike mulberry-feeding silkworms, A. assamensis is semi-domesticated and can be grown only in outdoor conditions. Lack of genetic variation and low adaptability to changing environmental conditions and limited knowledge of its host plants are the key bottlenecks towards its domestication. The role of gut microbiota in host metabolism, growth, development, nutrition and immune regulation is becoming increasingly evident in humans and other organisms. To date, the gut microbiota of A. assamensis has remained largely unexplored. The present work aims to comprehensively identify and characterize the gut microbial community of A. assamensis through a culture-independent approach. The gene expression analysis of the gut microbial community was studied through metatranscriptome analysis. The influence of the host leaf–associated microbiota on larval gut microbial composition and its variation to changes in host plants was also investigated. The results have indicated that the 5th instar larva of A. assamensis contains a highly diverse gut microbial community dominated by Proteobacteria, Patescibacteria, Planctomycetota, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteriota and Actinobacteriota. Functional analysis of A. assamensis gut microbiome through shotgun metagenomics and metatranscriptomics revealed key associations between the insect and its gut microbial community including host leaf digestion, metabolite detoxification, chitinase production and fat body metabolism. The host leaf-associated microbiota was found to occupy a major portion of the total larval gut microbiota. However, the diversity of the larval gut microbiota was greater than the host leaf-associated microbiota. The findings of this study will illustrate the structure of the gut microbial community of A. assamensis, their key interactions with the host organism and the role of host leaf-associated microbiota on the holobiont. The thesis also describes the global metabolome of the host plant leaf, larval gut and silk gland of 5th instar larvae of A. assamensis and how the change in the host plant affects the gut and silk gland metabolite composition. For this, larvae reared on Som and Mejankari plants were considered. The results of this experiment identified hundreds of metabolites from the larval gut, silk gland and host plant leaf of A. assamensis larvae reared on the two host plants. The identified metabolites can be clustered into different categories like amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, alkaloids, secondary metabolites, pigments vitamins and others. Change in the host plant was found to change the metabolite composition of the larval gut and the silk gland. The findings of this study will help to extend our knowledge of the global metabolomes of the studied samples.Item Synthesis of TiO2-Based Nano-Photocatalysts for Organic Synthesis, Wastewater Treatment and Antibacterial Photocatalytic Therapy(2023) Sinha, SayantanThe dissertation entitled “Synthesis of TiO2-Based Nano-Photocatalysts for Organic Synthesis, Wastewater Treatment, and Antibacterial Photocatalytic Therapy” consists of a total of five chapters. Chapter 1 is a review chapter focusing on the application of TiO2-based heterogeneous photocatalysts in photocatalytic organic synthesis and wastewater treatment. Also, this chapter discusses in detail the basic understanding of heterogeneous photocatalysis and the exclusive properties of TiO2 that is necessary to modify the crystal structure and bandgap orientation of TiO2 for synthesizing new catalysts.Item Advanced treatment methods of melanoidin for the effective remediation of distillery spentwash(2023) Verma, RahulThe melanoidin-containing wastewater, particularly distillery spentwash possesses very high loads of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other organic and inorganic pollutants. The discharge of this dark brown colour wastewater to water bodies results in eutrophication, reduction of dissolved oxygen level, obstruction of sunlight penetration, inhibition of photosynthesis of aquatic plants and groundwater contamination. The treatment efficacies of the conventional methods are quite low due to the poor biodegradability of melanoidin. In this regard, the present study explores adsorption, advanced oxidation process, and photocatalysis to remove melanoidin from wastewater. In addition, the bioprocessing of molasses to produce alternative metabolite biosurfactants has been investigated to decrease the pollution load of wastewater. Chapter 1 and chapter 2 demonstrate the introduction and literature review on melanoidin removal in distillery spentwash.Item Evidence Based Assessment of Environmental Toxicity due to Pesticides & Nanomaterials Exposure(2022) Mosahari, Ponnala VimalThe pesticide and nanomaterials induced environmental toxicity is problematic and is responsible for various kinds of diseases today. Under these circumstances evidence based assessment of pesticide and nanomaterials induced toxicity and evidence synthesis for the same is very much needed. The present study explores the evidence synthesis techniques like Systematic Review and Scoping Review in organophosphate and nanomaterials induced environmental toxicity. A systematic review of the organophosphate exposure induced health impact has been done, based on the data from multiple databases covering both human and in-vivo studies. The study indicated that susceptibility to OP pesticide toxicity can be determine by two exonic polymorphisms viz. PON1L55M and PON1Q192R SNPs in human population. The mechanism of OP pesticide toxicity is attributed to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Scoping review for nanomaterials induced environmental neurotoxicity was carried out to find the link between various neurodegenerative diseases and nanomaterials. It was found that there are limited number of longitudinal or observational studies regarding environmental nanomaterials induced neurotoxicity. Most of the reviews considered for scoping review were based on in-vivo and in-vitro models, and few based on epidemiological studies. No observational studies for the pre-defined period were found. Most of the reviews emphasized on the neurotoxicity mechanisms and route of exposure.Item Utilization of Steel Industry LD-slag for Environmental Applications(2024) Samanta, Niladri ShekharSteel slag is an industrial byproduct of the steel-making process. It is created in enormous amounts during steel production using electric arc furnaces. LD-slag, also known as LD (Linz-Donawitz) converter slag, is a byproduct of steelmaking in a basic oxygen furnace. This kind of slag is typically created during the steelmaking process from iron ore. The LD-slag comprised several hazardous metallic oxides therefore, dumping such waste may cause several detrimental effects on the environment. The global output of LD-Slag is around 47 MT per year. As a result, there is a strong case to be made for making extensive use of LD-slag, either through conversion into useable material or recycling as process material. Taking all these above issues into consideration, the main objectives of this work are divided into four sections. The first section deals with wastewater treatment by different zeolites derived from LD-slag of the steel industry. The second section deals with the preparation of zeolites A and X and their physico-chemical study.Item Development of novel sulfonium containing drug carriers with inherent antimicrobial activities to combat drug resistance(2023) Patel, AnjaliThis Thesis title “Development of novel sulfonium containing drug carriers with inherent antimicrobial activities to combat drug resistance” deals with the study of sulfonium containing liposome and polymers which contains membrane directed bactericidal activity and hence it can counteract different drug resistance mechanism of the drug resistance due to efflux transporter, reduced number of porins, metabolic drug inactivation and hence it can rejuvenate the activity of the clinically proven antibiotics against drug resistant bacterial strainsItem Developing Ecofriendly Nano-Particulate Adsorbents using lron-Plant Polyphenols, Understanding the Molecular Properties and their Environmental Applications(2022) Aktar, JinatRemoving pollutants using adsorbents made from natural ingredients is an exciting proposition from the standpoint of their cost-effectiveness and safety. Polyphenols are a class of chemicals widely distributed in leaves, seeds, and other parts of plants. They are known for their health benefits and antioxidant properties. Two iron(lll) based new materials were synthesized from tannic acid (tttlat-1) and guava leaf extract (Mat-2) in -10 g scale under identical conditions. The physical properties, surface properties, and chemical properties of all three materials were analyzed using FESEM, FETEM, DLS, BET, pHzpc, CHNS analysis, Magnetic susceptibilities, EPR, XPS, Mass analysis, TGA, PXRD, FTIR. The results of FESEM and TEM showed the materials as clusters of nano-sized particles. The adsorbent properties of the materials were tested with anionic fluoride and cationic dyes. The biosafety of Mat-1 and Mat-2 was checked on mung beans (Vrgna radiata) and on a number of bacteria.Item Tools and Techniques for Assessing Recovery Potential of Aerobic Sludge Biomass Stressed with Copper(II), Amoxicillin IV, Chlorpyrifos, and Piggery Wastewater(2022) Kumar, RajneeshThe biological processes are widely used for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment to remove the organic matter before its discharge to the natural environment. Various human and industrial activities add undesirable organic and inorganic pollutants (such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and others) to wastewater, which find their way to the sewage treatment plants. Microorganisms play an essential role in the biological process of sewage treatment. It degrades organic matter present in sewage and utilizes the energy for synthesis of new cells. The undesirable pollutants in wastewater are likely to impart detrimental effects to microorganisms resulting in hindrance in treatment efficiency or sometimes even shut down the operation. Therefore, studies are required to evaluate the behavior, characteristics, and activity of aerobic sludge biomass in presence of undesirable pollutants — such as a heavy metal, an antibiotic, a pesticide, and piggery wastewater. The three fold objective of this experimental investigation are to (i) assess impact of stress imposed by undesirable pollutant on aerobic sludge biomass, (ii) assess the recovery potential of stressed aerobic sludge biomass after discontinuation of stress-causing undesirable pollutant, and (iii) identify the tools and techniques suitable for field application in assessing the health status of aerobic sludge biomassItem Studies on the Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and their Utilization on the Development of Polymer Nanocomposites for Water Disinfection and Wound Healing Applications(2022) Bora, AnupamaThe thesis contains embodiment of research aimed towards (a) Synthesis, optimization and characterization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) via the green route using ‘Bhimkol’ (Musa balbisiana Colla) peel extracts; (b) Study of the phytochemical properties of Bhimkol (Musa balbisiana Colla) peels and the antibacterial activities of both bhimkol peel extract and green synthesized AgNPs; (c) Synthesis and characterization of Silver Nanoparticle via green route using Sechium edule aqueous extract, study of their antimicrobial as well as catalytic activity; (d) Characterization and development of polystyrene nanocomposites (PS-AgNPs) from waste thermocol and green synthesized AgNPs for water disinfection application and (e) Characterization and development of PVA/Gelatin/AgNPs based polymer nanocomposite hydrogel for wound dressing application.Item Synthesis and Modification of Aniline-Formaldehyde Condensate and Chitosan Schiff Base Polymers for Application in Cr(VI) and Hg(II) Binding(2022) Dutta, TanmayThis thesis represents the effort to use principles of coordination chemistry in polymeric systems to address problems related to heavy metal removal from wastewater. In the present research, emphasis was given to understanding amine polymers and increasing their adsorption capacities by modifying their current forms or introducing new functional groups to the monomeric units to increase site accessibility for better metal adsorption.Item Benzylic Organosulfides and Analogues: Greener Synthesis, Anti-cancer Activities and the Feasibilities of H2S Donation(2023) Bhattacherjee, DebojitThe thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter 1 highlights the general introduction of H2S and its role in biological systems. This chapter briefly discusses the production, metabolism, and biochemical pathways of H2S regulation and its detection techniques. Additionally, a brief and concise review has been made on the reported synthetic and natural donors of H2S and their biological implications in different diseases, notably cancer. In chapter 2, we presented a series of 4-substituted benzylic derivatives of DADS as well as their diselenide analogues for detailed structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies regarding their anti-cancer properties against ER+ breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7) and other organ-specific cancer cells. The SAR study revealed that the anti-cancer activity of the benzylic disulfides/diselenides could be enhanced significantly upon the incorporation of 4-cyano group on the benzene ring. Further investigations revealed the notable increase in intracellular ROS level upon the administration of diselenides towards MCF-7 cells correlating with their anti-proliferative activity. Treatment of 4-cyanobenzyl diselenide in MCF-7 cells induced prominent nuclear fragmentation and induced the apoptosis pathway, confirmed by evaluating the expression level of several oncogenic marker proteins (Bcl2, Survivin, and Procaspase 3). In chapter 3, we described a very simple and convenient method for the selective synthesis of garlic-derived allyl sulfides and related derivatives utilizing a wide variety of alkyl, alkenyl, and benzyl halides as precursors under a greener and catalyst-free condition. We show for the first time that, the selectivity among symmetrical trisulfides, disulfides, and monosulfides could be achieved by variation of several reaction parameters. Our study further revealed that the reaction temperature and solvent were two crucial parameters for an effective selectivity toward trisulfides over disulfides. The detailed mechanistic studies by experimental and computational methods indicated that the co-formation of disulfides along with trisulfides is due to the formation of sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) as a by-product that interfere in the reaction. Furthermore, results from the preliminary anti-proliferative activities by trisulfides towards MCF-7 revealed potent anti-cancer activities of most of the trisulfides in general. Importantly, the 4-methyl substituted trisulfide exhibited the highest anti-proliferative activity in MCF-7 cells and it was capable of donating H2S in a sustained manner in the presence of biothiols. The mechanistic investigations on the potent anti-proliferative activity of the benzylic organotrisulfide (3,5-dimethoxybenzyl) against the highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) was carried out in chapter 4. From the pool of different substituted benzylic organotrisulfides, 3,5-dimethoxybenzyl trisulfide (4.0) exhibited highest selectivity towards the MDA-MB-231 over the normal cells (HEK-293). The selected trisulfide compound further studied the detailed mechanistic aspects for evaluating its anti-proliferative activity. Trisulfide 4.0 exhibited the anti-cancer activity mainly by targeting and suppressing the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. The detailed mechanistic studies revealed that compound 4.0 facilitated the GSK-3β-induced phosphorylation of β-catenin and subsequent proteasomal degradation, which was supported by the G2/M phase arrest of the cell cycle and the significant down-regulation of downstream signaling genes such as Cyclin D1 and c-Myc. Unlike the disulfide and monosulfide moieties, the presence of a trisulfide functionality facilitated the release of H2S, which was found to be important for the desired inactivation of β-catenin expression. Surprisingly, combination with DATS and our synthesized sustained donor 4.0 exhibited cytoprotective effect due to the optimum level of H2S donation. Moreover compound 4.0 or the released H2S induced down-regulation of the p53 protein, possibly through S-sulfhydration process observed by western blot experiment.Item Treatment of Blast Furnace Wastewater and Utilization of LD Slag from Steel Industry(2022) DeeptiSteel industries are one among the major industries which contribute to the world's economic growth. However, waste generation.within the industry is enormous due to its high production rates. Large quantity of water is used in the steel industry for different processes like cooling operations, dust scrubbing and descaling. Nanofiltration (NF) is been used as a tertiary treatment system for the blast furnace (BF) wastewater in TATA Steel Ltd., India. The volume of the reject stream varies between 20-30 % of feed steam. This membrane reject stream contain concentrated monovalent and divalent ions (3- 4 times of feed). Available technologies for the treatment of NF reject are not efficient and economically viable due to high energy and space requirement (eg. Solar concentrator). Therefore, there is an urge for a more efficient, economical and facile technique for the treatment of membrane reject stream. Similarly, around 2 - 4 tontres of waste per tonne of steel are being generated within the industry. Linz Donawitz (LD) slag is one among the wastes in integrated steel industry. Globally, production of LD Slag is around 47 MT per annum. Hence there is a need for use of the LD slag in much persuading way through either conversion of slag into useful material or recycling as process material. Taking all these issues into considerations, the main objectives of this work are divided into two sections. First section deals with the treatment of highly saline wastewater from blast furnace unit of steel industry. And the second section deals with the utilization of LD slag which is a by-product of steel industry.Item Treatment of Hydrocarbon-rich and Complex Refinery Wastewater in Aerobic Granular Reactors (AGR) with Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Biopolymer Production(2021) Ghosh, SayantiThe modern era of bioremediation has been practicing aerobic granulation technology since last three decades in various recalcitrant industrial wastewater treatments. Compact granular structure, excellent settling property, presence of numerous pollutant degrading microbes and high tolerance to toxicity made granulation a promising biotechnology. Petroleum industries are the producers of toxic and poorly-biodegradable hydrocarbon polluted wastewater. Our first study provides extensive information about oily wastewater treatment in aerobic granular reactors (AGR) using three different inocula from sewage, refinery and brewery. In emulsified diesel exposure, previous oil adaptation helped the refinery sludge granules to achieve maximum granule size of 3.49±0.01 mm and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS: 404 mg/g volatile suspended solids (VSS)) with maximum 67.39±0.15% oil removal efficiency. Brevibacterium paucivorans strain SG001, Micrococcus aloeverae strain SG002 and Staphylococcus hominis strain SG003 were identified as the major pollutant degraders isolated from sewage, refinery and brewery granules. Micrococcus aloeverae exhibited maximum hydrocarbon removal efficiencies (oil: 61.34±0.85%) among the three species. Re-addition of sodium acetate reconstructed broken granules. We further checked the impacts of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on granule characteristics, hydrocarbon removal efficiency and removal mechanism while treating emulsified diesel wastewater in AGRs. AGR with shortest HRT (12 h) achieved maximum 4.72±0.05 mm granule size, 400.31±0.01 mg/g VSS of EPS among the AGRs. But longest HRT (48 h) played major role providing longer reaction time for 90.31±0.26% hydrocarbon removal. Degradation of short and long chain alkanes (C6-C7, C9-C10, C11-C13, C15-C18, C27) were observed in the AGRs which further produced fatty acids as metabolites. About 24-48 h HRT with 0.125-0.25 kg/ hydrocarbon loadings providing below 77 mg/L effluent hydrocarbon was recommended for AGRs to avoid phytotoxicity after effluent disposal. Rapid granulation of oil degrader Micrococcus aloeverae strain SG002 was conducted with investigation of its most efficient approach of bioaugmentation in AGRs to reduce granule rupture and enhance pollutant removal in multiple hydrocarbon laden refinery wastewater treatment. Highly settleable Micrococcus granules with 0.5±0.02 mm size formed in 15 days achieving 80% organics removal. In control AGR, recalcitrant hydrocarbons deteriorated size and stability of aerobic granules. About 2 doses of 10% (w/w) granular augmentation of Micrococcus facilitated cocci abundant granule microstructure with 404.65±1.45 mg/g VSS of EPS content ensuring simultaneous 99% phenolics removal and 19% nitrification in AGR. Degradation of C8-C15 n-alkanes followed partial fatty acid conversion in control reactor and C6-C36 removal was observed indicating β-oxidation of fatty acids in bioaugmented AGRs. Thereafter, accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) biopolymers was observed in aerobic granules having mixed sludge and pure strain inoculum. Small sized (0.71±0.04 mm) Micrococcus granules achieved 81.40±0.2% hydrocarbon removal efficiency accumulating 0.47±0.01 mg PHA/mg cell dry weight (CDW) due to cocci populated strong microbial structure. Changing organic loading (0.6-1.8 kg COD/ and high C/N (8-24) ratio stimulated 0.71±0.04 mg PHA/mg CDW yield in the refinery granules with 90% hydrocarbon removal. Long and short chain nalkanes (C16-C36, C6-C10) were mostly biotransformed into PHA. Granule extracted PHA was characterized as copolymer P(3HB-co-3HV) having 3.5-4.5 of butyrates and valerates (PHB:PHV) ratios . At last, a batch scale study was conducted to produce salt tolerant aerobic granules of Brevibacterium paucivorans, Staphylococcus hominis and Micrococcus aloeverae evaluating organics removal and nitrification efficiencies in refinery wastewater treatment. Each strain separately formed granules in 20-25 days. In Brevibacterium, granule rupture took place at 20 g/L NaCl influence. Refinery sludge origin and thick layer of 226 mg/g VSS EPS prevented 35 g/L NaCl saline inhibition in Micrococcus granules improving nitrification up to 28% with 93% hydrocarbon removal in 12 h of batch operation.Item lnfluence of Green Corridor and Bridge Piers on River turbulence by Experimental and Numerical investigation(2021) Suresh, ModalavalasaMost of the lndian peninsular rivers are generally low sinuous rivers. The three-dimensional flow structures in curved channels control the hydrodynamic and morphological adjustments of the river system. ln addition, physiohydrological characteristics of the river, engineering interventions and river corridor vegetation alter the flow structure in these rivers. ln this thesis, to study the hydraulic behavior of the low sinuous river by quantifying the turbulence parameters such as turbulence intensity, Reynold's stress and turbulent kinetic energy. Further, the impact of floodplain vegetation on flow structure into the mainstream and the variability of velocity profiles under different flow conditions and vegetation densities has been studied, These findings provide better understanding of turbulence and altering of velocity distribution. The understanding of flow and floodplain vegetation interaction is extended to study the hydrodynamic response of the sinuous river subjected to combined effect of bridge piers and vegetation cover over the floodplain. ln this research, an inter-comparison study is carried out between numerical model simulations and experimental results for evaluating the performance of CFD model in predicting the hydrodynamics structure with the influence of flood-plain vegetation in the sinuous channel. For this study, vegetation cover and bridge piers are incorporated in the FLOW3D CFD model, and hydrodynamic simulations are carried out for the turbulence characteristics. The study of vegetation- bridge pier-flow response can be extended further by monitoring the process at field scale for river corridor management. The present thesis work provides a comprehensive understanding on the effect of floodplain vegetation of various scenarios on main channel turbulent characteristics of sinuous rivers.Item Refinery wastewater treatment and value addition using Rhodococcus opacus- a hydrocarbonoclastic oleaginous bacterium(2021) Paul, TanushreeBio-fuels for energy generation are one of the alternatives, which require integration with wastewater treatment to keep the economics of the production process low. The present study focused on treating raw refinery wastewater by Rhodococcus opacus for converting it into bio-oil by hydrothermal liquefaction process. For treating the raw refinery wastewater, different operating modes using a continuous stirred tank bioreactor were investigated. Continuous mode with cell recycle proved efficient in terms of complete removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) (99%) and high lipid production (86%, w/w) at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 16 h (dilution rate of 0.06 h-1). Toxicity assessment of the permeate water was carried out following different methods which established the reuse potential of the treated wastewater. Furthermore, a novel strategy involving two-stage submerged tubular membrane bioreactor (STMBR) system with the reactors connected in series was effectively employed for treating the refinery wastewater which yielded complete COD removal along with 2.98 g L-1 biomass growth and 2.3 g L-1 lipid concentration. The lipid-rich bacterial biomass obtained by treating the wastewater was converted to bio-oil by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) which revealed its excellent potential for bio-fuel applications. A maximum bio-oil yield of 25.53% w/w was obtained at the optimum HTL conditions of 215 °C temperature, 125 min treatment time, and 0.25 biomass/water ratio. Overall, this study demonstrated a sustainable zero waste strategy along with a closed loop integrated approach using the hydrocarbonoclastic oleaginous bacterium R. opacus for refinery wastewater treatment with provisions for resource recovery.Item Novel bioprocessing strategy for polyhydroxybutyrate production from agro-industrial effluents: A waste biorefinery(2022) Jayakrishnan, UEffective waste management is still a burning issue in the modern world due to the generation of more waste than that can be properly disposed off. In this scenario, waste biorefinery has shown tremendous potential to drive improved waste disposal through income generation. The research work presented in the thesis investigates bioprocessing strategies to recover a value-added product, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), from agro-industrial effluents under the waste biorefinery approach. Initially, the volatile fatty acid (VFA) production from rice mill effluent (RME) and brewery effluent (BE) was influenced by gobar gas plant sludge (GPS) and brewery anaerobic sludge (BAS) in an untreated state and pretreated under cyclic heat and acid shock regime to convert the effluent streams into media suitable for PHB production using acidogenic fermentation. The acidification of RME with pretreated gobar gas plant sludge at the optimized feed to microbe ratio led to enhanced total VFA content (TVFA) and degree of acidification of 2437±0.03 mg/L and 86±0.13 % compared to all other combinations. Acetate and butyrate were the major VFAs produced after the pretreatment of GPS, along with stable COD and acidic pH profiles. However, the fermentation of RME with pretreated BAS had an enhanced even to odd ratio of 20.97±0.08 mg/mg along with the highest acetate and butyrate yield compared to all other combinations. The improvement can positively affect polymer composition and property. Meanwhile, the untreated system had the upper hand regarding TVFA concentration compared to the pretreated system due to the negative effect of the pretreatment regime on different microbial communities in BAS. Therefore, pretreatment of anaerobic inoculum inhibited carbon sinks and enhanced even-numbered VFA production from RME, indicating its potential implications as a fermentation media for improved PHB production.
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