Study of Scalars and Fermions in models beyond the standard model
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The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is well established with the discovery of the Higgs boson by the independent experiments, ATLAS and CMS at LHC in 2012. The properties of the discovered Higgs boson is very similar to the proposed one in the SM and the discovery is considered as a remarkable success of this model. In spite of this success, many experimental evidences provide hints of some fundamental issues; mainly absence of dark matter (DM), nonzero neutrino mass and hierarchy problem, which shows that the SM is not a complete theory. A possible way out of this situation is to look beyond the SM(BSM) to resolve these issues by accommodating new particles in the spectrum or extending the gauge sector of the SM. Out of many attractive proposals of BSM, models governing seesaw mechanism could explain the nonzero masses of neutrinos. Similarly, DM issue is addressed by many multi-Higgs models with or without addition of extra fermionic sector in the particle spectrum. Among the seesaw models, we consider Type III seesaw model, which is a simple extension of the SM with an additional SU(2)L fermion triplet and Minimal Left Right Symmetric Model(MLRSM) with additional Higgs fields and right-handed neutrino, and extending the gauge group by a additional SU(2)R symmetry. Alongside, we also consider inert version of the Two Higgs Doublet Model with a charged fermion singlet as partner to it. But the fate of these BSM scenarios will be decided by the observation or non-observation of these new particles at collider experiments. Our main aim in this thesis is to focus on the collider signatures of Type III seesaw model, MLRSM, and Dark Matter Models in the context of Large Hadron Collider(LHC) and Future Linear Colliders(FLC).
Supervisor: Poulose Poulose