Exploring the Potential of Homogeneous Ru-SNS/NNS Complexes and Heterogeneous Ru-Hydrotalcite in De(hydrogenative) Transformations
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The contents of the present thesis entitled as “Exploring the Potential of Homogeneous Ru-SNS/NNS Complexes and Heterogeneous Ru-Hydrotalcite in De(hydrogenative) Transformations” have been divided into five chapters. The first chapter contains a brief literature study related to various de (hydrogenative transformations) and the last four chapters were based on the results achieved from the experimental works performed during the entire course of the PhD research program. Chapter 1 contains a brief introduction to the literature review of acceptorless dehydrogenation and borrowing hydrogen reaction of alcohols via homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis. In 21st century, the rapid depletion of fossil fuels and growing environmental concerns urges chemists and chemical industries to search for alternative raw materials and to develop new methodologies to produce sustainable chemicals and important building blocks. In this regard, biomass-derived alcohols was found to be best candidate, as they are non-toxic in nature. Moreover, alcohols are considered renewable starting materials that can be used in organic synthesis for various organic transformations and the preparation of commodity chemicals. In this context, “acceptorless dehydrogenation (AD)” and “borrowing hydrogen (BH)” catalysis plays a key role. These approaches are sustainable because this process liberates water and in some cases (i.e., AD) molecular hydrogen as clean by-products. And, these types of reactions could be successfully performed by various types of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts.
Supervisor: Srimani, Dipankar
Homogeneous Catalysis, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Transition Metal, De(hydrogenative) Transformations