Patra, Ardhendu Sekhar2015-09-152023-10-262015-09-152023-10-262005ROLL NO.004601 Alika KhareThe present work is aimed towards generation and characterization of the arrays using various interferometric configurations. Heterodyne interferometric configurations using polarized lights was developed and studied. The expressions for the intensity distribution of all configurations presented in the thesis were worked out and compered with the experimental observations. The applications of these optical arrays as a single step microlithography technique was proposed and demonstrated. Line integrated electron density in a pulsed spark gap was recorded using interferometric setup. Two interferometers in tendem were assembled for the generation of square and rectangular arrays of tiny light spots. the hexagonal arrays were produced using interference of eight beams. eight coherent beams were generated using one Mach-Zehnder and two Michelson interferometers in tandem. The beating ...enPHYSICSMultiple beams interferometry for array illuminator and its applicationsThesis