Mahanta, Ratul2015-09-162023-10-202015-09-162023-10-202003ROLL NO. 994902 S BorboraRegional imbalances is a ubiquitous phenomenon in both developed and developing economies. But in the latter it is more acute and glaring. It is being increasingly recognized, both on theoretical and empirical grounds, and experiences of the developing countries shows that at least in the initial stages of economic development, considerable regional imbalances in development arises. Reservation have, however, been expressed about the need to take deliberate policy measures to remove these increasing regional disparities in the levels of living. Regional disparity exists in agricultural development in Assam. The present study intends to measure the extent of regional disparities in agricultural development in Assam and examine the factors responsible for them. This will help to find solution to the problem of regional disparities. The study assumes that there are three sources...enHUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCESAn analysis of regional disparities in agricultural development in Assam : an econometric approachThesis