Bargohain, Rajashree2020-08-072023-10-202020-08-072023-10-202017ROLL NO.126141016 Rohini Mokashi-PunekarWriting in English from Northeast India is gradually emerging as an interesting and promising body of literature and makes for an exciting research area, because of inherent literary excellence as well as its correlations to the numerous socio-political issues of the region. From an analysis of the available literature in the area it has been found that the poetry in English written in Northeast India has not received enough attention in terms of full-length academic studies. This work is an attempt to make a systematic study of the contemporary poetry in English produced in the Northeast, with a focus on works of selected poets. The study has focused on the poetic works of Anjum Hasan, Desmond Leslie Kharmawphlang, Kynpham Singh Nongkynrih, Mamang Dai, Mona Zote, Robin Singh Ngangom and Temsula Ao, although works written in English by several other poets have also been taken up for study. Moreover, English translations of works in other languages by several other poets from the region have also been taken up for discussion.enHUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCESEchoes from the hills : Poetry in english from Northeast IndiaThesis