Mondal, Shyam Swarup2023-03-242023-10-202023-03-242023-10-202023ROLL NO.146121004 Swain, JitendriyaThis thesis focuses on certain classical problems in harmonic analysis in connection with mathematical physics. We begin with the Fourier analysis on the Euciidean space, discuss some well known results, basic definitions, and review of recent developments that motivates us to consider the problems discussed in the thesis. We prove a restriction theorem for the Fourier-Hermite transform and obtain a Strichartz estimate for systems of orthonormal fi.rnctions associated with the Hermite operator H : -L, + lrl' on R.' for the range I I q < ffi as an application. Besides, we show an optimal behavior of the constant in the Strichartz estimate as limit of a large number of functions.enStricharE EstimaleRestriction TheoremHermite OperatorSpeeial Hermite OperatorSzeg\"0 Limit TheoremPseudo-differential OperatorSome classical problems in harmonie analysisThesis