Sarma, Pranab Jyoti2025-01-102025-01-102023ROLL NO.156151005 Mohanty, KaustubhaIn recent times, mankind is undergoing a momentous transition, facing a significant Energy Science and Engineering demand while grappling with issues like biodiversity loss and climate change, which make our world challenging to inhabit. The present work is focused of generation of sustainable, renewable, green, ecofriendly and cost effective bioelectricity by plant microbial fuel cell technology and it in turns helps to mitigate various indoor air pollutants and purify air. Out of the the four different indoor plants Philodendron erubescens showing the highest electricity generation capabilities, followed by Epipremnum aureum, Anthurium andreanum, and Dracaena braunii. A long-term performance study for over six month showed that the better root development and adaptability of plant species under moist conditions enhanced PMFC performance and stability, reducing the cell's internal resistance. The study emphasizes the importance of different operating conditions in influencing plant growth and development, thereby impacting PMFC performance.enDesign and Development of Renewable Plant Microbial Fuel Cell for Bioelectricity GenerationThesis