Talukdar, Prabal2020-08-072023-10-262020-08-072023-10-262003ROLL NO.004301http:// Subhash C MishraThermal radiation is one of the fundamental nodes of heat transfer. It plays an important role in the design of high temperature engineering systems. The analysis and design of combust chambers, porous burners and porous volumetric solar receivers, among many others, are some of the important application areas where consideration of thermal radiation is important. Radiative heat transfer in a participating medium is a volumetric phenomenon. It is characterized by absorption, emission and scattering. The radiative transfer equation and the divergence of radiative heat flux are the two equations governing the radiative heat transfer in a participating medium. In a control volume, conservations of radiative energy in a given direction and over all directions are given by the radiative transfer equation and the divergence of radiative heat flux respectively. The equations governing the radiative heat transfer in a participating medium are integro-differential in nature and their solutions are difficult. The difficulty increases further if the thermophysical and the optical properties vary inside the medium and they are functions of temperature.enMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCombined radiation, conduction and/or convection heat transfer in participating mediaThesis