Ramesh, Tellagorla2023-12-202023-12-202022ROLL NO.136107043https://gyan.iitg.ac.in/handle/123456789/2495Supervisors: Mandal, Bishnupada and Gumma, SasidharThe increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has had a negative impact on the environment over the previous few decades and has been a focus of global attention. CO2 capture, one of the most important greenhouse gases (GHG), is now a critical stage in the functioning of electric power plants, petroleum refineries, chemical fertiliser plants, coal gasifiers, cement plants, and steel mills. Gas scrubbing with activated aqueous alkanolamine solutions has recently emerged as the most reliable post-combustion CO2 collection retrofit option.enCO2 CaptureAbsorptionAminesExperimental and Modeling Study on the Absorption of CO2 in Novel Activated Amine SolventThesis