Boruah, Chayanika2024-06-072024-06-072022ROLL NO.156141005 Das, DebarshiIn India, since the 1970s, there has been a declining trend in the female labour force participation. Given the fast economic growth, declining fertility rate and rising women’s educational enrolment in the last few decades, this decline is puzzling. Assam is not an exception to this trend of declining female LFPR (labour force participation rate). This study is an attempt to analyse the patterns and determinants of female LFPR in India as well as in Assam. The thesis reviews various existing theoretical frameworks on female LFPR. Based on the empirical findings from available literatures probable determinants of female LFPR have been identified. Data analysis on 15 Indian states covering the time period from 1987—2012 has been conducted. Secondary data from various large sample rounds of Employment Unemployment Survey of the NSSO have been used along with some other data from different sources. Our Random Effect regression model shows that more the ―literates‖ females, lower will be the FLFPR in a state. High fertility is associated with low FLFPR both in rural and urban areas of a state. It has been found that in a state higher rural male unemployment is associated with women withdrawing themselves from labour markets. It may be the case that, as explained by discouraged worker effect, with lower jobs in the market, females are discouraged to continue their job search. The unemployed women could be withdrawing from the labour market.en(A) Study of Changing Female Labour Force Participation in India with a Special Focus on AssamThesis