Bharati, Sangita2019-07-112023-10-202019-07-112023-10-202017ROLL NO.10614113 Sawmya RayThis study attempts to understand the issue of domestic violence in Assam. It looks at the ways in which domestic violence manifests itself in Assam-its nature, prevalence, causes and growth. Thematic analysis of data brings forth high prevalence of domestic violence against women in Assam. This study negates the myth about non-existence of domestic violence in Assam and shows that domestic violence has affected its women to a serious extent. Showing the ugly face and magnitude of domestic violence, this study throws light on the inherent patriarchal nature of society which is often misunderstood to be liberal one for women. Consequences of domestic violence are studied in regard to the response to the problem that is often influenced by patriarchal gender socialisation. From a feminist stand point, this study attempts to understand the problem of domestic violence in connection to women’s lives within the patriarchal social structure of Assam. Victimisation of women irrespective of their socioeconomic, ethnic and religious identities is looked into, without concentrating on any particular group. It also looks into the ways women fight against domestic violence and their reliance on different agencies.enHUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCESDomestic violence and women’s responses : A study in AssamThesis