Mahanta, Pinakeswar2015-09-152023-10-262015-09-152023-10-262000ROLL NO.974301 Subhash C MishraThermal radiation is one of the fundamental modes of heat transfer. It plays a vital role in the design of high temperature engineering devices. While pure radiation addresses very high temperature phenomenon, radiation combined with conduction and/or convection represents high to medium temperature phenomenon. Radiative transfer in participating medium is very complex. This complexity is owing to the three-dimensional nature of radiation combined with complicated mechanisms of absorption, emission and scattering. Further complexity is encountered due to spatial, spectral and temperature dependent thermo-physical properties. Under these circumstances, radiative transfer equation governing the radiative transfer process is of integro-differential form. For very general situation, its solution becomes a formidable task.......enMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGCollapsed dimension method applied to problems involving thermal radiation with participating mediaThesis