Mahapatra, Geetimukta2019-10-042023-10-192019-10-042023-10-192018ROLL NO.126104011 Akhilesh Kumar MauryaFrom the literature survey it has been observed that, to date no well acceptable theory exists that can model the 2D (longitudinal and lateral) driver behaviour of no-lane based heterogeneous traffic stream in a comprehensive manner. One of the major challenge in driver behaviour modelling lies in identifying the parameters that describe such type of typical driving behaviour or vehicle manoeuvre. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the manoeuvring behaviour of different type of vehicles by identifying different lateral and longitudinal microscopic parameters of such traffic stream. Those microscopic parameters are studied in three different categories.enCIVIL ENGINEERINGParametric study of heterogeneous and no-lane disciplined traffic streamThesis