Karmaker, Tapas2015-09-162023-10-192015-09-162023-10-192010ROLL NO. 07610402https://gyan.iitg.ac.in/handle/123456789/105Supervisor: Subhashisa DuttThe present research study is focused to find out the dominated bank erosion processes prevailing in the braided Brahmaputra river by conducting in-situ hydrodynamic and morphological observations. Better understanding of these bank erosion mechanisms is essential for designing a cost-effective bank protection system(s), which is one of major challenging tasks for river engineers. River bank erosion occurs mainly due to three processes: fluvial entrainment, subaerial erosion and mass failure due to poor strength of the bank materials. One or the combination of these processes is responsible for the bank erosion. The nature of the erosion for a cohesive river bank is different from cohesionless (sandy) river bank. In a cohesive river bank, the erosion takes place as crumbs of soil rather than individual particles, as they are bound tightly by the electromechanical cohesive forces. The erosion of composite river banks is even more complex. Banks of the alluvial river reaches are mostly composed of stratified soil layers with varying grain sizes. A lot of uncertainty in defining these causativeenCIVIL ENGINEERINGSTOCHASTIC EROSION IN THE COMPOSITE BANKS OF ALLUVIAL RIVER BENDSThesis